Module R’Stat1 : Statistiques descriptives

Novembre 2019 ; IRD-Montpellier-France


Manipulation des données, statistiques descriptives et graphiques

Stats descr.

Statistique descriptive : résumer l’information avec caractéristiques essentielles.

Comment ? Avec des indicateurs et des représentations graphiques.

Stats descr.

##   year month day hour minute second temperature      gas humidity pressure
## 1 2018    10  22   17     58      1    10.75793 11811196 80.34636 1040.177
## 2 2018    10  22   17     59     26    10.76887 11682953 79.98910 1040.153
## 3 2018    10  22   18      0     29    10.80402 11569892 79.74389 1040.090
## 4 2018    10  22   18      1     31    10.78391 11582347 79.84094 1040.164
## 5 2018    10  22   18      2     33    10.73586 11582347 80.57278 1040.286
## 6 2018    10  22   18      3     36    10.66633 11582347 81.02920 1040.477
##   lightVisible lightIR lightUV
## 1          264     318       4
## 2          266     313       5
## 3          263     306       3
## 4          267     307       4
## 5          266     308       5
## 6          266     307       5

Stats descr.

## [1] 465540
## [1] 13

Stats descr.

## [1] 11.12679
## [1] 9.93
## [1] -5.986406
## [1] 49.01672

Stats descr.

## [1] 73.94156
## [1] 73.94156
## [1] 8.598928
## [1] 8.598928

Stats descr.

##        0%       25%       50%       75%      100% 
## -5.986406  4.618672  9.930000 16.842305 49.016719
##  50% 
## 9.93

Stats descr.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  -5.986   4.619   9.930  11.127  16.842  49.017

Stats descr.

##   temperature        humidity         pressure     
##  Min.   :-5.986   Min.   : 15.27   Min.   : 980.6  
##  1st Qu.: 4.619   1st Qu.: 54.70   1st Qu.:1011.2  
##  Median : 9.930   Median : 74.09   Median :1025.5  
##  Mean   :11.127   Mean   : 69.41   Mean   :1027.4  
##  3rd Qu.:16.842   3rd Qu.: 85.23   3rd Qu.:1041.5  
##  Max.   :49.017   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :1085.6

Stats descr.

##   temperature        humidity         pressure     
##  Min.   :-5.986   Min.   : 15.27   Min.   : 980.6  
##  1st Qu.: 4.619   1st Qu.: 54.70   1st Qu.:1011.2  
##  Median : 9.930   Median : 74.09   Median :1025.5  
##  Mean   :11.127   Mean   : 69.41   Mean   :1027.4  
##  3rd Qu.:16.842   3rd Qu.: 85.23   3rd Qu.:1041.5  
##  Max.   :49.017   Max.   :100.00   Max.   :1085.6

Stats descr.

moyennes par mois ?

## [1] "2018-10-22 17:58:01 CEST" "2018-10-22 17:59:26 CEST"
## [3] "2018-10-22 18:00:29 CEST" "2018-10-22 18:01:31 CEST"
## [5] "2018-10-22 18:02:33 CEST" "2018-10-22 18:03:36 CEST"

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Nombre de jours avec une temperature moyenne supérieure à 30°C ? Nombre de jours avec une temperature moyenne inférieure à 5°C ?

Stats descr.

## [1] 2
## [1] 74

Stats descr.

La température est une variable continue :

## [1] 10.75793 10.76887 10.80402 10.78391 10.73586 10.66633

Stats descr.

##  [1] -10  -8  -6  -4  -2   0   2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22
## [18]  24  26  28  30  32  34  36  38  40  42  44  46  48  50  52  54  56
## [35]  58  60
## [1] (10,12] (10,12] (10,12] (10,12] (10,12] (10,12]
## 35 Levels: (-10,-8] (-8,-6] (-6,-4] (-4,-2] (-2,0] (0,2] (2,4] ... (58,60]

Stats descr.

## bddCut
## (-10,-8]  (-8,-6]  (-6,-4]  (-4,-2]   (-2,0]    (0,2]    (2,4]    (4,6] 
##        0        0     3366    12700    21865    28247    36015    45741 
##    (6,8]   (8,10]  (10,12]  (12,14]  (14,16]  (16,18]  (18,20]  (20,22] 
##    41689    44379    36419    34764    30073    30975    23612    19355 
##  (22,24]  (24,26]  (26,28]  (28,30]  (30,32]  (32,34]  (34,36]  (36,38] 
##    17278    12372     9352     6044     4822     2256     1618     1292 
##  (38,40]  (40,42]  (42,44]  (44,46]  (46,48]  (48,50]  (50,52]  (52,54] 
##      699      322      110       73       71       31        0        0 
##  (54,56]  (56,58]  (58,60] 
##        0        0        0

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Stats descr.

Fn(x) : % obs < x

Statistiques descriptives : du graphique à la figure dans un article scientifique




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